Ethics in Fashion Photography

1. The changes that were made on the model's face using photoshop were that her facial features were brought closer together, towards the center of her face, smaller jaw bone/ chin, bigger eyes, bigger lips, smaller neck, smaller shoulders.

2. The changes that were made to the model's body using photoshop were clearing up her skin, altering her facial features to make them closer together, bigger eyes, smaller nose, hiding her teeth, adding more color to her face and body, making her skinnier everywhere, lengthening her legs, then going back through and making her body more of a neutral skin color but shinier, and lengthening her neck.

3. The changes that were made to the model using photoshop were that they turned a pizza into a person. They completely took away all of the color, shaped it into a girl, and added all the facial features, body features, clothes, hair, and human coloring.

4. No because you are making people want to look like that person in the magazine and feel bad about themselves, but really that person doesn't look like that at all.

5. It would be more ethically wrong to do this if you are telling the world that the images that they are seeing are completely natural and there was no editing done to them but there was.

6. The types of changes that are ok are when you are maybe just lightening or darkening up a photo, or adding color to it.

7. Fashion is shooting an article of clothing on a model's body, and photojournalism is shooting a person just for something specific about them not for clothing purposes.

8. All the photos have connections to how women wearing clothes should look in a specific way, this effects how ethical the practice is because some people try doing this in photoshop but it is not achieved so the public gets mad over the heavily photoshopped images.

9.I think that we are being showed these videos so that we know that when we are editing our photos in class or anywhere that it is not ok to completely change a photo of a person drastically just because it does not look good to us.

10.None of these videos are about guys because girls have always been put to higher standards and judged on what they should look like to be able to be called pretty and to impress people, and guys have never really been told how they should look to be perfect.


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