Muhammad Ali vs. Sony Liston

1. I picked this image because I have seen this image a lot before and the vibrant colors caught my eye.

2. I read that the photographer was working for sports illustrated and he was at this boxing match to take photos. He took a photo right after Ali won and he got the bet photo in the house.

3. In the video it aid the Ali was going against Sonny Lipton in a fight, everyone thought Sonny was going to win but, Ali defeated sonny. Everyone wanted them to rematch because they didn't believe Ali beat him, so they rematched and Ali won again using what people call the phantom punch and then the photographer shot his photo.

4. Image result for Neil Leifer

5. Name: Neil Leifer
    Birth: December 28, 1942
    Birth Place: New York City
    Education: Seward Park High School


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