Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. Usually photoshopping comes down to "ethics vs aesthetics" and "art vs journalism", and  anything that can alter the original scene captured by the camera can be deemed unethical.

2. The philosophy is that no colors will be altered from the original scene photographed

3. I think that you could lighten the colors or clean up the photo a bit


I think that this photo is unethical because they took the head and body of 2 completely different
people and merged them together. They didn't even to want to use Oprah's real body so they used 
someone else's body instead. That conveys a false advertisement of what Oprah looks like.

Kim Kardashian was featured on the cover of Complex Magazine. The original cover (left) was leaked. The photoshopped version (right) is on newstands now.

I think that this photo is the most ethical because they didn't do any major change to this photo.
The only main changes were smoothing out her skin and the clothes edges, and lightening up the
picture. I think that this image was the least unethical because the only noticeable change was 
shrinking her waist and the color brightness.


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