
Image result for nasa images moon earth

1. I chose this image because it was a very cool picture that had a solid black background with a pop of color (earth).
2. On December 24, 1968, 75 hours after Apollo 8 took off from Cape Canaveral, to become the first manned mission to orbit the moon. Frank B, Jim L, Bill A, had entered lunar orbit on christmas eve, and at the beginning at the fourth of ten orbits, they were coming up from the side of the moon when they saw the earth peeking out from the darkness. And that is when they took this photo, the first colored photo, of our planet from space.
3. I learned that this image helped launch the environmental movement, and helped humans realize that they have it good living on earth compared to the cold and harsh cosmos.
4.Related image

5. Name: William Anders
    Birth and Death: October 17, 1933
    Birth Place: British Hong-Kong
    Schooling: Harvard Business School


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