Basic Writing


1. The principal
2. The board of directors
3.The head of directors
1. What is the reasoning behind this decision
2.What made you want to go through with it
3.Who influenced you
4.What influenced
5.Do you not like the current style trend that students are wearing to school
6.Have you always wanted to enforce this rule
7.Is this going to be a long term change
8.Did you ever have to wear a school uniform
9. Do you like the way they look
10. Do you think it will be easier for us to get dressed
11. How many duplicates of the outfit are we provided with
12. Do we have to wear the exact same uniform everyday
13. Will we be given other options length-wise
14. What are the colors
15. Will there be uniform free days
16. Do you think this will solve some of the schools problems
17.Would the teachers be required to wear a uniform too
18.Do you think this will change the behaviors of the students
19.Are there going to be restrictions on accessories that are worn with the uniform
20.Can the shoe options be made by the students


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