Sports Portfolio

Vid 1-
a. Alyssa Schukar
b. Bringing out the emotions in different photos
c. All taken from the same distance needs to be different, not enough strong singles, all the emotions are sad and dark.
d. Graphics, some of the darker photos they liked
e. They seemed to incorporate a lot of emotions that can really bring the sad-dark feelings out of you. I liked more of the happier photos like the baseball one.

Vid 2-
a. Jordan Murph
b. Expresses a lot of energy at that exact moment in time when the photo was taken.
c. Needs to change up the colors and point of view, needs to expand on the types of photos they take, needs to make sure the photos include the sports player.
d. The lighting, the composition.
e. At first they liked to take photos of really diverse action sports photos, and then the photos began to get softer and had absolutely nothing to do with sports. I liked the first few pictures.

Vid 3-
a. Josh Birnbaum
b. A lot of different emotional stories
c. Needs better angles, better facials, better transitions
d. When people are right in the middle of all the action, good details
e. At first the photos were fun and full of action, and then the just became redundant.

Vid 4-
a. Sam Adams
b. A lot of moments that were captured at the perfect time.
c. No silhouettes, wants more action instead of someone staying still, better angles.
d. Reflections, action photos.
e. Very scattered and random photos but seems to like biking.

a. Colors, good angles,
b. Less Photoshop, good action, nice bold colors

a. They mark off the profiles that have too many random and redundant photos

a. I agree with the judges on the "No Ball" photos, there was one photo of a girl posing on a pool table and also her playing pool, the judges said that it looked "too posed". I agree with them because it didn't look real at all, it looked very fake.
b. I didn't agree with the judges on the portfolio called "Student Work", they placed the photo of the girl getting hit with a goose as first when I would have chosen a photo with more ambition and meaning to it. Like the dog photo or the rugby one.


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